Lifeline Case Study: Mrs Ranger

• Written by Katie

At LifeConnect24, our mission is to help older people feel safe and independent at home. The pandemic has presented several challenges for us and our alarm users, many of whom live by themselves far away from family and friends. That’s why we launched Reassurance Calls, a daily wellbeing service available to all our alarm users.

The Reassurance Calls Service

Reassurance Calls help alarm users feel safe and supported at home, particularly during the strange and stressful circumstances of the pandemic. Our expert Response Team can make regular phone calls to check in with the user and make sure all is well. The service is totally flexible; users can request multiple calls per day or less frequent weekly check-ins. To reflect this, we also offer a flexible pricing structure, with the option to pay per call or pay a regular monthly fee.

Reassurance Calls Case Study: Mrs Ranger

Mrs Ranger lives by herself in [county]. She has been a Lifeline Alarm user since June 2020. Her sister told her about the Reassurance Calls service and Mrs Ranger signed up straight away.

As I’m on my own, she thought it would be a good idea to have somebody check on me every so often, and if I wasn’t too good they could let her know.

Like most users of the Reassurance Calls service, Mrs Ranger receives a call from our team twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening.

The Impact of the Service

The service helps alarm users and their families to feel at ease, particularly during the national lockdown. The Reassurance Calls give them a regular opportunity to raise any welfare concerns; the calls can also serve as a helpful reminder to take any prescribed medication. But more than that, the service can offer much-needed companionship in a time when loneliness is rife among older people.

Mrs Ranger said:

If you’re on your own, it’s nice to have somebody ring and speak to you, even just to talk about the weather or whatever’s going on in your life – and what’s going on in their life. Especially in lockdown, when you can’t really get out very easily.

Recommended by Users

To anybody else who is considering the Reassurance Calls service, Mrs Ranger had this to say:

I think it’s a very good idea. It takes you out of yourself if you’re feeling a bit low or if you’re wanting to talk to somebody. Somebody phones you and they’re very cheerful and you can have a nice chat – you can say what you’re doing and how you feel.

A Friendly Voice at the End of the Phone

The Lifeline Response Team is the backbone of our services and Reassurance Calls are no exception. During emergency alarm calls and Reassurance Calls alike, they are able to provide a friendly, reassuring voice at the end of the phone.

Mrs Ranger described the team as:

Very helpful, very nice, and very caring. They listen to anything you say and obviously they’ve got experiences the same as you have. I often get to speak to the same people day to day – they’re very good, the way they remember things about me and things that I’ve said.

Besides the practical support of a daily check-in call, we believe that this kindness and attentiveness is key to our Reassurance Calls service. The importance of a friendly, listening ear really can’t be overstated.

LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
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