The Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

• Written by Josh

Alzheimer’s Disease accounts for around 62% of all dementia cases, with an estimated 850,000 people affected by the condition in the UK. It is especially common in people over the age of 65, with one in 14 people affected.

You’ve probably heard of Alzheimer’s Disease, but do you know the warning signs to look out for? Today’s post will look at the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s and explain them in detail so that you can spot the signs quickly. For a more in-depth look at dementia, please read our useful guide.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Before we look at the symptoms of the condition, let’s remind ourselves what Alzheimer’s Disease is. It’s the most common form of dementia and is named after the doctor who first described it, Alois Alzheimer.

The Alzheimer’s Society describes the scientific process of the condition:

During the course of the disease, proteins build up in the brain to form structures called ‘plaques’ and ‘tangles’. This leads to the loss of connections between nerve cells, and eventually to the death of nerve cells and loss of brain tissue.”

The condition also causes a shortage of important chemicals in your brain. These chemical messengers help to transmit signals around the brain. When there is a shortage of them, the signals are not transmitted as effectively.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

As Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive condition, the following symptoms develop gradually and become more severe over the course of several years. Everybody will be affected by these symptoms in different ways and at different rates.

Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

Infections, delirium, strokes and certain medication for other medical conditions can cause Alzheimer’s symptoms to worsen. The NHS generally splits Alzheimer’s symptoms into different stages of the condition. Some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease include:

  • Memory Lapses – Forgetting about recent conversations and events. Forgetting the names of places and objects, as well as the right words to use when you’re talking.
  • Repetitive Speaking – People in the early stages of the condition may begin repeating themselves on a regular basis and asking the same questions over and over.
  • Personality Changes – Those affected by Alzheimer’s Disease often begin to become less flexible and more hesitant to try new things. They may also begin to show poor judgement and find it increasingly difficult to make decisions. Mood changes, agitation and anxiety may also appear.

As previously discussed, Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive condition. This means that over time, the symptoms from the early stages of the condition will worsen. This is especially true with memory-related symptoms.

Symptoms of Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s

They may start to forget the names of their loved ones and even struggle to recognise them when they are around them. Other symptoms also begin to appear during the middle stages of the condition. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease at this stage include:

  • Further Personality Changes – The affected person may struggle with repetitive, obsessive and impulsive behaviour, as well as suffering from mood swings, frustration and depression.
  • Confusion – As the condition progresses, the person affected will begin to feel disorientated and confused about their surroundings. They may begin wandering and getting lost, whilst also struggling with the time of day.
  • Delusions – The feeling of paranoia increases, and some people may even become suspicious about their loved ones and carers.
  • Hallucinations – Those affected may begin seeing and hearing things that aren’t really there, which can be a frightening experience for everybody.
  • Speech Problems – A condition known as aphasia may cause difficulty with reading, listening, speaking and writing. This is usually caused by damage to the left side of your brain.

During this stage of the condition, people also struggle with their spatial awareness and often struggle to get a good night sleep. Now is also the time for care and support at home, to help the person affected with everyday life.

Symptoms of Later-Stage Alzheimer’s

Sadly, these symptoms continue to progress over time and can become distressing for the person affected, as well as their loved ones and carers. In some cases, people with Alzheimer’s Disease may become violent, panicked and suspicious of those around them.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease in its later stages include:

  • Memory Loss – The person affected may now suffer from severe short and long-term memory loss.
  • Loss of Speech – They may also struggle to communicate with people, with a gradual loss of their ability to talk.
  • Mobility Difficulty – At this stage of the condition, people often need full-time care to help them with everyday tasks and with general movement.
  • Urinary Incontinence – Unintentional passing of urine.

Seek Help

If you’re concerned that you or a loved one may be experiencing the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible or encourage your friend/family member to make their own appointment.

Memory loss can be caused by several physical and mental conditions. Your doctor will be able to carry out tests to find any problems.

Dementia Guides

If you’re looking for further information about Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia please take a look at the following posts:

Personal Alarm Information

Personal alarms can be incredibly useful for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Our automatic fall detectors are particularly helpful for those who may not remember to press their alarm button for help after a fall. For more information about our life-saving personal alarm service, please get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 999 0400. Alternatively, complete our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated on 5th May 2021 to reflect current information.

Originally published May 2018.

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