Tips for Starting Yoga in Adults with Migraines

• Written by @Lifeline24

This article was contributed by Naomi Cook

Yoga is a practice that benefits the mind and body. It incorporates a series of different stretches, poses, and breathing techniques.

There are different variations of poses and routines of difficulty levels, making yoga a doable practice for beginners and novices. It can build flexibility and strength.

In addition to general wellness, exercises like yoga can help relieve the symptoms of chronic health issues like migraines. According to Dr Mason Dyess of the University of Washington School of Medicine, exercise can help combat several migraine triggers.

General Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has several benefits for both mental and physical health. According to the British Heart Foundation, the benefits of practicing yoga include increased flexibility and muscle strength, improved circulatory health, increased energy, and stress management.

Practicing yoga can also help reduce insomnia and encourage consistent, healthy weight management. Check YogaBliss for more information about the benefits of yoga.

Common Triggers of Migraines

Migraines are headaches that can cause severe nausea, pain, and throbbing. A migraine can also cause sensitivity to light and sound. Although the exact, definitive cause of migraines is not know, there are several triggers that are known to cause and worsen migraines and their symptoms.

Stress can have debilitating effects of physical health, including the onset of migraines.

In addition to stress, other potential causes of migraines are hormonal imbalances or changes, medications, irregular sleep, dehydration, and poor diet.

Best Poses for Migraine Relief

Combat your pesky pains with these yoga poses. You can use a block to assist yourself with movements that require more flexibility. Remember that consistency is key when performing yoga movements to prevent or reduce migraine symptoms.

1. Downward Facing Dog Pose

The Downward Facing Dog is a well-known, foundational pose. Most classes and routines integrate Downward Facing Dog into their yoga flow. To perform this pose, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the mat, tuck your toes under your arms, and lift your knees off the floor, straightening as much as your body allows you to.

This pose can help relieve migraines because it releases tension in your neck ad shoulders and encourages blood flow.

2. Child’s Pose

Child’s Pose is one of the most simple and relaxing poses in yoga. To perform the Child’s Pose, kneel on the floor and place your toes together. Keep your knees about hip-width apart. Take a deep breath inward. On the exhale, slowly lower your torso to rest between your knees and extend your upper body until your shoulders and head are toward the ground.

Place your head on the ground to ensure the full extension of the pose.

Child’s Pose can help combat the symptoms of migraines by releasing tension and activating pressure points in your forehead.

3. Cat and Cow Pose

The Cat/Cow Pose is an essential part of any yoga flow. When you perform this movement, you are alternating between a rounded spine position and an arched position. Begin in Table Pose on all fours. Inhale and tilt your pelvis back, forming your spine into an arched position to reach Cow Pose. Exhale and tuck in your pelvis/tailbone to reach Cat Pose. Alternate between the two poses with slow, mindful breaths.

The Cat/Cow Pose encourages flexibility and eases tension in the tailbone, shoulders, and neck. The gentle transition between two poses brings relaxation and eases tension in your upper body. It can also encourage circulation and oxygen flow to the brain.

4. Forward Fold

The Forward Fold is a mild inversion, meaning that your head is below your heart in the position. To perform a Forward Fold, start with your feet together, standing in Mountain Pose. Exhale and fold forward at the hips. If you cannot reach the full pose with comfort, you can either bend at your hips or use a block to assist you.

There is also a Seated Forward Fold pose.

Mild inversions in yoga have several benefits, including lymphatic drainage and increased circulation. This pose can help ease your nervous system and relieve migraine symptoms.

5. Savasana

Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is often incorporated at the conclusion of yoga slow routines. To perform Savasana, simply lay on your back with your arms by your side. Face your palms upward and completely extend your legs.

Be sure that, while in Savasana, you are completely relaxing every muscle in your body. Practice deep breaths. This pose brings your body to full relaxation, encouraging the flow of oxygen and ease of stress.

Final Thoughts

Yoga has many health benefits and easing migraine symptoms is just one of them. Try it today and see how it works for you. If you are living with limited mobility, consider taking up chair yoga instead. Purchasing a LifeConnect24 personal alarm provides additional reassurance if you are worried about falls.

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