Getting Healthier After 50

• Written by @Lifeline24

This article was contributed by Steve of The Fitness Group

They say it’s never too late to develop new habits. In the same breath, they’ll you that an old dog can’t learn new tricks. The fact is that a lifestyle change at the age of 50 or older isn’t out of reach. Adopting new, healthier habits at any age is always a good idea, and being over 50 is no barrier at all.

From slowing down the ageing process to extending your life, never assume that there’s no point getting fitter and healthier after your 50th birthday. So if you’ve been considering a healthier lifestyle, even after a lifetime of bad habits, here are some health and fitness tips that could change your life a lot more than you think.

Go to Sleep

Getting more sleep might not seem like the best piece of health advice when you’re trying to get fitter, but don’t underestimate its value. If you’re not sleeping enough, you can negatively impact memory, weight, emotions, and even your appearance.

It gets harder to sleep when we’re older, which only compounds the problem. Getting healthier means developing a sleep routine. Talk to your doctor about snoring, acid reflux, and prostate problems, all of which are known to negatively affect our sleep patterns.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you’re planning on getting healthier, you’ll need some form of exercise. It’s an excellent idea to talk to your doctor about your plans before you start. Your doctor will be able to advise you about what’s a good idea and what’s a bad idea.

Based on your medical history, get their advice on dietary changes. Moreover, find out what types of exercise you should avoid, and what barriers exist in your health plan. There’s little point in planning on getting healthier if you injure yourself or worsen pre-existing conditions by doing the wrong exercise.

Approach Exercises Differently

If you think of exercise and the mental image is all weightlifting and high impact, high-intensity workouts, then you’re probably going to put yourself off. The good news is that you probably already do plenty of activities that count as a workout.

Hoovering the house, learning ballet, swimming, or some basic yoga or Pilates sessions are ideal for getting your body moving. When you’re over 50 and you’ve never lifted a barbell in your life, you don’t have to start now. Look for an exercise that you enjoy. This will make getting healthier far easier and more fun.

Prioritise You

If you’re thinking about signing up for an exercise class or the gym (or even a personal trainer), but you’re worried about the cost, give yourself a break. You’ve likely spent a lifetime buying essentials and gifts for your children, nieces, and nephews.

You’ve earned the right to prioritise your needs, and getting healthier is always a worthy goal worth investing in. You don’t have to spend lots of money to improve your health, but don’t hold back out of guilt.

Track Your Progress

There’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing your progress as you work to get healthier. Seeing progress in an incredible motivator, from weighing yourself to seeing how much more you can do at the gym. That’s why it’s so important that you continuously track your health-related goals.

Having goals is always a good idea when you’re trying to achieve something. This is because having a target gives us something to aim for. If you’re eating healthier and doing some exercise without having a clear idea of how well you’re doing, it becomes easier to cheat or quit.

Change Your Diet

Of course, one of the biggest changes you can make towards a healthier life is eating better foods. That means fewer takeaways and more home cooking. Getting healthier doesn’t have to mean counting your calories at every meal; it’s simply about knowing the healthy foods that will benefit your body instead of harming it.

Those deep-fried chicken wings floating in fat aren’t doing your body any favours. Instead, consider cutting down on meat (you don’t have to go 100% vegetarian), adopting a more Mediterranean diet, or upping the number of vegetables on your plate.

Try Group Classes

Your local gym is likely to have some fitness classes available. It may be worth signing up, as being surrounded by other people, especially if they’re of a similar age to you, is highly motivating. That’s partly due to the benefits of socialising.

Check your local gym or fitness centre. They’ll likely offer a free starter session or free classes in some cases. Working out with others is fun, and it’s also an excellent way to find out what kinds of workouts you feel comfortable with and enjoy most. You might even make some new friends.

Drop the Bad Habits

You know what your bad habits are, and you know they’re not doing you any favours. From quitting smoking to dropping that nightly bottle of wine, the only person who can make those changes is you. It’s never too late to stop your bad habits, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. It’s a challenge to drop any habit, bad or otherwise.

Don’t beat yourself up if it takes a few goes, and permit yourself to have lapses on occasion. You’re working on getting healthier, not turning yourself into a superhero. Take some pressure off yourself – however, you should stop smoking and cut down on alcohol if you can.

Getting Healthier and Fitter After 50

There are no barriers to getting healthier and fitter at any age. Being over 50 is no different. It may take some getting used to, and some lifestyle changes will need to happen. With all the advantages you gain from a healthier, more active lifestyle, however, it’s hard to justify putting off.

Whatever kind of lifestyle you’ve been leading up until now, no matter how unhealthy or sedentary, you can take the first step today. Think about what you want to achieve and start takin the right steps to reach those goals. It could be the best decision you ever make.

Thinking about getting healthier? Check out our article on
7 Sport and Fitness Activities for Older People.

Staying Safe with LifeConnect24

When getting healthier, it is also important to stay safe. Personal alarms from LifeConnect24 can help. We provide the latest in personal alarm technology to ensure that help is always available at the press of a button. When activated, a Lifeline alarm puts you in touch with our trained Response Team. They will then assess the situation and arrange the help you need.

To find out more about our personal alarm service, check out our detailed guide or call our helpful team on 0800 999 0400.

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