Lifeline Alarm Testimonial Video

• Written by Thom

We’ve put together a special Lifeline Alarm Testimonial video to help show the benefits of having an alarm in your home. In the video, Peter and Beryl share their stories and explain how much of a difference the Lifeline Alarm has made on their lives.

Lifeline Alarm Testimonial

Watch the Lifeline Alarm Testimonial video below and discover how much of a difference our service can make, not only just in your life but also the lives of your family and friends. The fear of what might happen if you fall at home can be taken away.

You can find out more about Peter’s story by reading his case study article or by watching his full video testimonial. Both Peter and Beryl are using the standard MyAmie Pendant device, which can be worn around the neck and wrist, and will still work in the bath and shower.

Read all of our customer reviews. 

How it Works

The Lifeline Alarm has been designed with the user in mind, which is why it is quick and easy to use. If you have a fall or feel unwell:

  • Press the red button on your pendant or base unit.
  • The Response Team receive an alert call and respond instantly over the base unit loudspeaker.
  • They assess your situation before taking the appropriate action. Commonly, this will include calling for your emergency contacts (family, friends and neighbours) and asking them to attend urgently.
  • If needed, the emergency services will also be contacted. Any relevant medical history and/or Keysafe codes will be shared with the paramedics.

Please read our in-depth guide for more detail. 

Lifeline Alarm Information

For more information about our life-saving Lifeline Alarm service, please get in touch with our friendly team on 0800 999 0400. Alternatively, complete our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring

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