5 Ways of Preventing Diabetes

• Written by Josh

Reports released by the World Health Organisation have revealed that the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 and the increase is suggested to be showing no signs of slowing down.

The report said that there were 422 million cases worldwide in 2014, including Type 1 and Type 2, compared to 180 million back in 1980. The majority of cases were Type 2, which is heavily linked to a person’s lifestyle.

New reports, revealed by Diabetes UK,  have revealed that the number of people diagnosed in this country has now reached more than 3.2 million. The figures, which were extracted from NHS data, show that there were 3,208,014 adults with the condition in 2013, an increase of more than 163,000 compared to 2012.

High-blood sugar levels and the rise in obesity are seen as clear links to the condition, which killed 1.5 million people in 2012. Diet and ‘inactivity’ are huge causes of the rise in Diabetes cases, along with the ageing population.

In this blog post we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to keep your sugar levels down and on how to keep a fit and healthy body weight, with the aim of preventing diabetes.

1 – Try to Avoid Sugary Foods

A nice, healthy diet is key to preventing diabetes. You should avoid processed foods and those that are full of sugar. Constant takeaways should also be avoided as these are full of bad fats and high in calories which has an impact on health if constantly consumed. Everything should be eaten in moderation.

Ideal diets should be balanced, and include a number of foods. Carbohydrates is one, which contains plenty of fibre and wheat. For example you should eat foods such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, and wholegrain bread. Avoiding white bread is always better as it contains less nutrients and often more sugar.

Your diet should also include healthy fats from items such as nuts and fish oils, along with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Fish, free-range chicken, and food which contains plenty of protein have also been given the thumbs up by dietitians and doctors.

Spicy foods has also proved to be a brilliant choice when you are trying to improve your weight and sugar levels.

2 – Exercise Regularly

Working out is vital to a healthy lifestyle. Taking part in physical activity will help you to keep a watchful eye on your weight. Increasing your overall fitness will help to keep your bones and joints working correctly and increase cardiovascular strength.

You can do this be visiting your local gym and using their treadmills, or by heading out for a jog or bike ride in your spare time. Sporting activities are also a great way of keeping your body fit and healthy, such as walking football for the over-50s.

By keeping fit you can help prevent the build-up of weight on your abdomen – which would cause an increase in the body’s resistance to insulin.

3 – Avoid Alcohol & Smoking

We are not saying that you have to quit drinking all together, but we would advise that you limit it as much as possible. Excessive drinking can lead to a weight increase and can also increase your blood pressure.

Cutting down on alcohol can also improve your lifestyle in general, keeping your liver and heart particularly safe.

Smoking, on the other hand, is something that you need to quit in order to improve your health. Tobacco leads to an increase in your blood sugar levels, along with an increase in your insulin resistance – which are both causes of diabetes.

People who smoke around 20 cigarettes per day are believed to be increasing their chances of having the condition by 50%.

4 – Lose Weight

Following the guidance already given in the blog post will help to ensure that your body is at a healthy weight. If you feel that you are already overweight then there is still time to lose weight and lower your chances of type 2 diabetes.

There are many diets available out there for you to follow in order to lose weight. The NHS have teamed up with The British Diabetic Association to produce their very own 12-week diet plan. This plan is designed to help you to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate.

Alongside the diet, you can take part in physical activities to help reduce your weight. Going to the gym, cycling, and swimming are some of the best ways to lose weight and to also enjoy doing so.

5 – Visit Your GP

As you get older it is advised that you visit your doctors on a regular basis for check-ups and tests to ensure your health is in tip-top condition. It is even more important to have blood tests – to check your sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and glucose levels. With an ever-growing ageing population health conditions can occur more commonly in the elderly. Did you know an estimated four million elderly people in the UK are affected by a long term health condition?

The earlier a danger to your health is found, the sooner you can begin changing your lifestyle in order to fight back against the threat of type 2 diabetes. You can swap the sugary foods and the sofa for fruit and a trip to the gym.

Little changes, even brought in at an old age, can still make all the difference when it comes to you avoiding health conditions like diabetes.

Personal Alarms

If you have diabetes then a personal alarm system could be for you. The condition means that you qualify for VAT exemption, which will save you 20% on the original price.

Our personal alarms are ‘plug-in-and-go’, as all you need to do when it arrives is plug it into your telephone socket and a power supply. The alarm itself is pre-programmed by the team here at LifeConnect24.

The base unit comes alongside the MyAmie Pendant, which can be worn around the wrist or neck depending on the user’s preference. If you feel unwell in your home , or if you have a fall, then you simply press the red button for help.

You can also choose one of our digital alarms for faster connections and more range.

The 24/7 Response Team will receive an alert informing them that you have pressed your button. A member of the team will try to talk with you over the base unit’s loudspeaker before getting in touch with your emergency contacts to ask them to attend urgently. The emergency services will also be contacted on your behalf, and the Response Team will be able to pass on your medical records to the paramedics.

You can order a personal alarm through this website or by giving our sales team a call on 0800 030 8999 today. They will be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have, and to explain our price packages to you.

LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Personal Alarm supports you at home 24/7
LifeConnect24 Automatic Fall Detector 24/7 monitoring

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